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The Mama Cave Guest Post- Discovering Strength.

Below is an inspiring message to all of the Mama's on finding your Mama strength. This brilliant guest post was written by the lovely SJ of The Mama Cave who is mum to Bambina.

Wow becoming a Mama is a real crash bang wallop on all the senses, isn’t it?

It is the most intense thing, I for one, have ever experienced; the hormones, emotions, physical exertion and pain. And then a Baby: A Baby who is unbelievably familiar whilst also a complete stranger to you, A Baby which you expect to look to you for everything as their Mama.

That expectation, that feeling of becoming everything, providing everything, can be all encompassing, a real emotional firework, a joyous yet turbulent responsibility, a heavy load and a huge adjustment. And sometimes being everything is actually more than you can actually give.

It may be that your Baby won’t latch to feed, that they require medical intervention, or perhaps it could be that you yourself are in need of some care and attention. It may be that colic has caught hold, or that sleep deprivation has you questioning if you are in fact awake or dreaming.

It could be that you have other children to balance or that PND is paying you a visit.

Whatever the cause – it is inevitable that one day you will look at your Baby looking at you as their everything and you will have the lump in your throat as you realise you cannot be everything, do everything, as hard as you may try. The classic Mama-guilt will descend; heavy hearted it can feel like defeat…
But it is not defeat it is strength – Strength a Mama learns to grow and trust in. A strength that comes in accepting that you are being the best Mama you possibly can be. A strength that discovers the difference between being everything and always loving relentlessly. A strength that reaches out for help, acknowledges the need for a break and realises that being a Mama is not about being perfect. A strength that is summoned by a tiny bit of you acknowledging that your Baby is growing quickly and the world is bigger than just you.

You will certainly discover that this strength is always backed up and paired with an aching heart… occasionally in a supermarket whilst your threenager throws their person about the floor over a pineapple and definitely whilst in the doctors’ waiting room with a limp sweaty babe.

Nothing will make you sadder and nothing will make you happier than being a Mama, and you may not feel diamond strong whilst covered in puke, changing nappies or negotiating a teenage tantrum – but woman you are raising the f**king future and that is no weak thing – you are stronger than you will ever allow yourself credit.

And FYI - You may not be their everything all of the time but you will be their world - as they are yours. And one day they will let you know what sort of super woman you are, an absolute pillar of strength, a hero in their eyes – no doubt.

For those who haven't checked the site out, please go show this lovely lady some love! The Mama Cave site.



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