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Days spent longing for the words.
You're going home, the words anyone on #NICU long to hear.
Once the adrenaline and emotion of loading up your baby in the car and getting them through the front door ebbs away, it hits you like a lorry.
The worry. The responsibility. The fear they have got it wrong you shouldn't be here, you should be back where they can be monitored. He surely needs medication? The machines ring in your ears as you close your eyes. You can still smell the disinfectant and hand sanitizer from the ward. You are home but you are still very much on that NICU Ward. This is a small snippet of a #guestblog I wrote for @honestly_mum on her blog to mark #nicuawarenessweek link is below; https://www.kathrynstimpson.com/thebusyparent/confessionsofanicumum Please do share/like/ tag a #nicuparent or someone who may need some #tips on #transitioning from #nicu to #home. . . . . #nicuawarenessmonth #september #nicu #nhs #hospital #baby #birth #nicumum #honestconfessions #parentlife #norwichblogger #norfolkblogger #mums #dads #norwich #parent #chd #TOF #neonatal #neonatalstroke |
Recently, there have been so many articles and posts about mum Guilt. As a NICU mum I felt beyond guilty when Elijah was born. Check out my Mum Guilt post on Selfish Mother. However, where is the dad guilt? Do dad's feel guilty? Or is this something us mums take upon ourselves to feel? Another thing as a mum we feel we have to take on (and then feel guilty about) because they don't? Is it a common mis conception that dad's don't feel guilty about anything? When you have a baby, guilt is a huge part of motherhood, it's almost instant. The whole breast vs bottle argument is thrust in your face once your baby is born and your decision is then criticized by anyone and everyone. Something that dad cannot really feel guilty about, if baby doesn't latch and you formula feed (I think whatever you want or have to do is fine!). As an equal partner in bringing the baby into this world and raising them, do dad's feel what we do? Are the...
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