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I was nominated for the Liebster award!

The gorgeous @Maisies_Mum was kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster award! As I have only been blogging for 2 months. It means so much that my blog was even considered! It is much appreciated you lovely lady! I had been feeling a bit down this morning about the blog and that I didn't get the response I thought I would when I put out an advert for others to share their stories and this has made me feel so much better! It has reaffirmed that I must be doing something right (I hope)!!

Here are the rules: 

1. Thank your nominator and link back to them from your post.

2. Answer the questions you’ve been set and tag your nominator when you share your post on social media.

3. Nominate 5- 11 bloggers to answer some questions from you. Don’t forget to let them know!

My questions were set by Jennifer (@maisies_mum) 

What made you start your blog?
When I joined  Instagram and was opened up to the world of parenting blogs; I noticed there didn't seem to be one that dealt with the issue of your baby being in NICU and needing a life threatening operation. I wanted to be brutally honest about how you really feel as well as laughing about the highs and lows of raising a toddler!

How did you pick your blog name?
I decided pretty early on I wanted the NICU Mum name and as I was honestly confessing to what it is like to be one, it seemed to be the obvious choice!

Describe yourself in three words?

What’s you blogging inspiration?
Mainly my lovely son, however the brilliant blogging Mamas and Papas of Instagram provide a lot of inspo!

What’s the best thing about motherhood?
Unconditionally loving and being loved by someone.

What’s your ideal family day out?
The beach! or theme park! Or both!

What do you do to relax if you manage to get some baby free time?
Read, drink gin and watch re runs of Bad Girls! (I don't get out much!)

What’s your favourite book?
I could pretend to be clever and say Great Expectations as Miss Havisham is my fav character but if I really had to choose, deffo Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!

What was the last film you saw?
Die Hard 2

What’s your favourite holiday destination?
Dominican Republic

I would  like to nominate the following Blogs for the Liebster Award.
1.  Nina from Mummy and Nina
2. Nicola from Too Much Mothering Information
3.  Jenny from Mamazou85
4. Selena from The Mum Coach
5. SJ from The Mama Cave

My questions for you are;
1. What is your number one blogging tip?
2. How do you find inspiration for new posts?
3. What is your target blog audience?
4. Your guilty pleasure?
5. Your favourite drink?
6. Your celeb crush?
7. Top parenting tip?
8. What type of parent do you think you are?
9. Your funniest parent fail is....
10. What is your lifelong dream?
Don’t forget to tag me in your replies and nominate other Blogs.

Thank you once again Jennifer @maisies_mum xxx


  1. Loved your answers-thanks!! So glad to hear this perked you up as well, I think a lot of the time people are reading but don't leave comments xx


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